abess 0.4.8
- Support no-intercept GLM model by param ‘fit.intercept’.
- Allow to restrict the range of estimation for beta by param
‘beta.high’ and ‘beta.low’.
- Add cite message when load ‘abess’.
- Fix a bug when support.size is 0.
abess 0.4.7
- Allow the other criterion for model selection: AUC for (multinomial)
logistic regression such as the area under the curve (AUC).
- Simplify the C++ code structure.
- Fix note “Specified C++11: please update to current default of
C++17” in CRAN.
abess 0.4.6
- Adapt to the API change of the
- Change the package structure such that the API functions can reuse
the utility function. It facilitates the testing for package.
- Update citation information.
abess 0.4.5
- Support generalized linear model for ordinal response, also named as
rank learning in machine learning community.
- Support robust principal analysis
- Modify R package structure to make many internal components are
- Update README.md
abess 0.4.0
- Support generalized linear model when the link function is Gamma
distribution. By setting
family = "gamma"
function, users can analyze the dataset with a
positive valued and skewed response.
- Support flexible support size for sequential principal component
analysis (PCA), accompanied with several helpful generic function like
- Support user-specified cross validation division for
and abesspca
function by additional
argument foldid
- Support robust principal component analysis now. A new R function
can access it.
- Improve the R package document by: adding more details and giving
more links related to core functions.
abess 0.3.0
- Add docs2search for R’s website
- Support important searching to improve computational efficiency when
dimension is 10,000.
abess 0.2.0
- Support sparse matrix as input
- Support golden section search for optimal support size
- Support ridge-regularized penalty as a generic component
- Support group subset selection as a generic component
- Best subset selection for principal component analysis via
- Bug fixed
abess 0.1.0
- Initial stable version abess package
- Support best subset selection for linear regression, logistic
regression, poisson regression, cox proportional hazard regression,
multi-gaussian regression, multi-nominal regression.
- Support nuisance selection as a generic component
- Unified API for cross validation and information criterion to select
the optimal support size.
- A documentation website is support for abess package